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Woodland Retreat (Grand Beach, MI) | wr-03.jpg

This modern lodge serves as an entertainment hub for a larger compound. The floor plan is ordered to introduce light ventilation and exterior views of the pool, spa, and fire pit. Anchored to ledge outcroppings, these spaces cascade to the pool level. A pickled wood interior and exposed wood ridge beam borrow from the surrounding forested site. The sleeping loft, and screen porch provide additional function for this informal, poolside gathering place.

This modern lodge serves as an entertainment hub for a larger compound. The floor plan is ordered to introduce light ventilation and exterior views of the pool, spa, and fire pit. Anchored to ledge outcroppings, these spaces cascade to the pool level. A pickled wood interior and exposed wood ridge beam borrow from the surrounding forested site. The sleeping loft, and screen porch provide additional function for this informal, poolside gathering place.

Woodland Retreat

Woodland Retreat