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White Cottage (Grand Beach, MI) | wc-02-low-resolution.jpg

This vintage beach cottage underwent an extensive interior and exterior remodel designed to enhance lake views and create outdoor living spaces for entertaining family and friends.  The update included new finishes, structure, and mechanical systems within the existing building shell, as well as new terraces and landscaping on the narrow beach front property.  The landscape retaining walls and permeable paver design won the 2011 Belgard World Class Awards for Best Residential Project and Best Design. The project was also nominated for Best in Class Versa-Lok product, and Best in Class for Permeable product Belgard awards.

This vintage beach cottage underwent an extensive interior and exterior remodel designed to enhance lake views and create outdoor living spaces for entertaining family and friends. The update included new finishes, structure, and mechanical systems within the existing building shell, as well as new terraces and landscaping on the narrow beach front property. The landscape retaining walls and permeable paver design won the 2011 Belgard World Class Awards for Best Residential Project and Best Design. The project was also nominated for Best in Class Versa-Lok product, and Best in Class for Permeable product Belgard awards.

White Cottage

White Cottage